Tag: rant
Recommendations on Youtube – Why are you doing this?
First of all my browser settings and addons: Basically I don’t get recommended contents based on my “preferences” but this way I get the general […]
Brainstorm – Animeverzió
Üdv mindenkinek, hosszú kihagyás (lustulás) után ismét itt vagyok. Némi brainstorm várható, ami épp csak megfordult a fejemben. Elnézve a mai animés trendeket, elgondolkodtam hogy […]
FreeBSD – no more hugs for you!
What the heck! FreeBSD banned virtual hugging… that’s kinda stupid but in the mean time it’s funny. NO MORE GEEKFEM RULES! ALL HAIL TO FREEHUGSBSD!
Why I don’t need a Coffee Lake CPU
Let me state this… I think the author of this video is right. But I have many problems with the means in order to reach the […]
A PC enthusiast honest opinion about mining
DISCLAIMER: I consider myself a PC enthusiast so my opinion about mining is one-sided. And yes, I’m angry. I wanted to build a new rig… […]
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