- fixed: old post migrated from the old editor to Gutenberg and switched status to public again
- fixed: pancakehut.net domain works again (yay!)
- fixed: hyperlinks redirected to the permanent web address
- enabled: user registration and login
- added: captcha against bots
- fixed: wordpress user table fixed after the borked migration
- fixed: removed dereferer.org from hyperlinks
- fixed: broken tags and categories
- update: wordpress most recent version downloaded and installed
- removed: various old plugin removed
- removed: Anime Press theme
- added: Lancr theme
- update: wordpress most recent version downloaded and installed
- change: switching from PHP 5.6 to PHP 7.4
- disabled: new user registration and all comments on the site
- update: wordpress most recent version downloaded and installed
- removed: TinyMCE from comment section in order to make the page more HTTPS-friendly
- added: new visual editor for article editing
- fixed: too many request error on wp-login.php in SSL mode
- update: wordpress most recent version downloaded and installed
- fixed: sidebar bug reloaded – after changing e-mail address the user’s avatar was not displayed
- update: wordpress most recent version downloaded and installed
- removed: Google Maps API call from the blog’s PHP backend
- removed: old stat plugin, reason: a recent change in their business model
- added: new stat plugin, see above
- added: background gallery
- update: wordpress most recent version downloaded and installed
- changed: image upload for posts, default medium-size setting now changed to 600px
- changed: user avatars, deactive gravatar for the site, only local upload is possible now
- fixed: sidebar bug – avatars are not displayed properly in the recent comments section
- cleanup: user database, spambots were removed
- initial release
- various undocumented improvements and fixes